Saturday, November 27, 2010

Alternative Names for Black Friday

~Cosumer Sucker Friday

~Get The Hell Out Of My Way! Friday

~Tug of War Friday

~Every Other Nation In The World Is Laughing Their Foreign Butts Off At Us Friday

~Don't Mess With Me, I Have A Sales Circular...And A Gun  Friday

~Now You See Your Hard-Earned Money, Now The Store Does Friday

~Forget Running With the Bulls in Pamplona, the Real Danger is Running With the Holiday Shoppers at any American Mall Friday

~Walton Family Rolling Around in Swimming Pools Filled With Money Friday

~Retail Clerk Snarling Friday

~Retail Clerk Cower in Warehouse Sucking Their Thumbs Friday

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Our Children Are Our Greatest Teachers

It's Thanksgiving Day.  I awoke to fearful thoughts of the money crisis we are currently in, wondering how we'll make it to payday and whether my new business will ever get off the ground.  We need a new car or at least the old one fixed, more groceries, more this, more that...

And then I came out and flipped on the Sprout Channel with my kids so they could get their morning Wilggles Fix.  Across the bottom of the screen, Sprout has been running letters from children about what they're most grateful for, and here were some of their answers:  One little boy was grateful for his toys.  A little girl was grateful for her little sister because she loves her and plays with her.  A brother/sister team was thankful for people in general "because everyone counts!"   The kids were writing in thanks for families, friends, pets, the fact that they get to go to school and that they have Thanksgiving dinner.  One little girl was even grateful to have the use of all her five senses!

So what was I bitching about?

I thought more about this and realized that in addition to my "good God, we're not filthy rich" woes, this is what else I woke up to this morning:

A warm bed
A roof over my head
A precious son running into the room in Christmas Cars pajamas, tousled hair and a big happy "HELLO Mama!"
Another precious son out in the living room giggling happily while the love of my life played Tickle Monster with him
A turkey dinner waiting to be prepared
Heat, electricity and running water

Mommy - 0  Kick in butt - 1

HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone!  Let's take a cue from our children and really appreciate the "thankfuls" that REALLY count!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Meet and Greet

I've been reading a bunch of "mommyhood" blogs lately, and since it seemed so nice to share in these ladies stories, I decided to jump in and see if anyone would like to share in mine.

Plus, I was really bored!

  My hope is that other ladies can relate to aspects of my life, or at least get a good laugh out of it.  Maybe even a few husbands might stumble in and realize that hey, their wives aren't so nuts! (comparatively speaking)

Anyway, I'm a Christ-centered Army wife, mom and smart-aleck .  I'm also a bookworm, Diet Coke addict, nature lover and writer.  I love sports, hate the way I look in pictures and can be heard yelling at the judges on Dancing With the Stars on any given Monday.  I am the mom who is chasing her kids around the playground and standing in line for her turn on the slide.  I am the one who refuses to coddle and will not hesitate to spank when necessary.  You can find me outside with the kids most days and in front of the computer most nights.

Okay, now that my dostier is done, let's get down to business.